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Your Best Shot 2018 Judges – Top 25


We have now moved on to the next level of our contest Your Best Shot of 2018. We have asked some amazing, award-winning photography judges to lend their expertise in helping us narrow down the top 100 images to the top 25.  With years of experience behind them, they offer some great insight and skill into choosing the best. Here are the Your Best Shot 2018 Judges.

Kim Ackerman owns Vogue Portrait Studio out of Edwardsville, Illinois. She has been, taking professional portraits for 16 years and is also a speaker.  Mentoring has become a new passion for Kim as she creates designs and teaches couture styling classes. She also instructs posing, lighting, and editing. Boudoir, fashion/couture, and glamour are her favorite topics to teach. She speaks at Shutterfest and offers workshops in boudoir and fashion posing.  You can find her beautiful work HERE.