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Thank you to everyone who participated in the YBS 2013 Best Shot Contest. This was the most difficult year yet. The top 12 finalists were all astounding and each one of those images told a story. That is what we were looking for, images that tell a story. With that said, the winner of the YBS 2013 contest is Justin Hofman. His whale shot was a once in a lifetime shot. He explains:This was a life-altering event and one that I hope to repeat but feel will never happen again. The wind, water, and whales came together in perfect synchronicity. I had only 2 hours to make this shoot happen and since Peninsula Valdez is one of the windiest places on the planet, I was not confident it would happen. Six months of stress, logistics, permits, and planning went into this encounter and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. (for those of you who question if this was photoshopped or not, we do have the raw file and can verify it was not) Thank you to everyone. Keep clickin’ for YBS 2014 next year!Top12 (2)
We’ll have a more in-depth interview with Justin and this photograph shortly. Stay tuned.