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The importance of print quality is an often overlooked aspect of photography, one that photographers and clients alike should start paying more attention to.
Printing photos seems like the simplest task in the world, right? Just run to the local drugstore to drop off your shots, do some shopping while you wait, and then an hour later, voila! You have some nice prints to display.
Wrong. Any photographer worth your time and money would have a coronary at the thought of their tirelessly perfected photos being printed onto cheap, inkjet printer paper. Seriously, you’re killing them.
Photographers work hard — not just during your shoot, but afterwards, taking the time to edit and color-correct every shot to create vibrant, beautiful photos. To them, every shot is a work of art, and should be treated as such.
The wonderful quality you see in your online album — created during post-production by the photographer — can only be duplicated in print if the materials used are up to snuff.
The high quality you want is not available at the drugstore photo center.
So, the question is: do you want your family portrait to be a flimsy, likely-to-fade print, or would you rather invest in a fantastic, quality print to cherish for a lifetime?
The big difference is simple — quality. Professional printers are fastidious in their printing methods, using only the highest-quality paper, ink, and coatings.
Most professional printing services use experienced photography technicians who inspect every photo before printing begins, ensuring the colors are perfect and that the printer is properly calibrated for your specific album. The photos are then printed using a professional-grade device: a silver halide printer that embeds the color directly into the photo paper.
The results are the stunning prints that stand the test of time.
Investing in a professional printing service also offers the added bonus of increased choices. With most drug stores, there are usually only one or two options for finish, paper, and sizes, while a professional service offers a huge variety.
Nathan Rupert/flickr
Photograclients’re often leery of selling their clients album CDs for the fear that they will end up as poor-quality prints. This isn’t to swindle you into purchasing their professional prints, but rather an effort to protect their reputations.
Sad as it is, clients often choose poor-quality prints because of their relative ease and love of the subject. It’s understandable: your infant just had their first professional shoot, and you want your prints right now. Unfortunately, your love will not impact your guest’s point of view — all they see is a lousy print.
These lackluster photos reflect poorly on the photographer, hurting their business, and impacting their ability to attain new clients.
Photographers are highly-trained professionals who spend a lot of time and money to ensure that their equipment, materials, and studios are of an exceptional caliber. They work enthusiastically to create photos you can admire forever. All of this hard work is for naught if the photos are not printed properly.
Do some research and get your precious shots printed from a company whose dedication to excellence is unparalleled. Printique offers six different kinds of photo papers as well as three fine art papers. So no matter your photo, style or vision your photo will get the best treatment from Printique and will last for generations. To check out Printique’s paper prints, click HERE to start your print journey.