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Mom Definition: Chauffer, housekeeper, chef, teacher, nurse, coach, storyteller, monster killer, planner, organizer, decorator, crafter, best friend, multi-tasking queen, wonder woman, photographer and a personal cheerleader. We check in with some of our favorite mom photographers who give us some brilliant and inspirational quotes on being all these things and so much more.
“I have never been late for anything…until I became a mother.”  LOL – Eden Bao
“Practice day-to-day shooting often. It  is what allows me to unleash my creativity and produce heartwarming images and be able to have that mother,s eye for precious moments.” – Cori Kleckner
Julie Rivera with girls 1
“Motherhood never gets easier. It just changes. We owe it to ourselves to occasionally step back and quietly observe this latest stage. Relish what we are in the middle of creating. Notice the mundane, the routine. And photograph it. For no one gives you a heads up when it will be the last time.” – Julie Rivera
me and tal graduation (1)
“When your child has a question, always give them your undivided attention including bending down and looking them eye to eye” – Kelly Chance
Kathleen and grandkids
“Being a mother and grandmother is the greatest joy in my life, and showed me just how much I could love.” – Kathleen Clemons
“When my child was born, I never looked at my camera the same.  My mind, heart and soul went into that camera. This inner sense of urgency to learn, feel the passion behind my pictures is when I knew I had to quit my high paying job and reinvent myself.” – Andrea Hughes
“A mother’s heart is a patchwork of love.” – Auther Unknown, Dani Miller’s favorite quote.
Thank you to these wonderful women who shared their love of photography and parenting with us. Click on their images to view their beautiful work.