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Meet Our YBS 2014 Winner


Thank you to everyone who participated in the YBS 2014 Best Shot Contest. This was the most difficult year yet. The top 12 finalists were all outstanding and each one of those images told a story. That is what we were looking for, images that tell a story. With that said, the winner of the YBS 2014 contest is Arthur (Skip) Moen from Florida. His photograph of a man on his raft  in China, was a well thought out and executed portrait.
We asked Skip a little bit more about his photograph and his zest for photography.

“The photo was shot on the Leishui River near Chenzhou, China.  Time:  about 5:30 in the morning.  The fisherman is 70 years old and has been fishing this river since he was a child.  He raised the two cormorants from chicks.  He wore a coat made from tree bark.  I used a Nikon D800 with a  Nikkor zoom16-35 zoom at 24mm -5600 ISO  f4.0 at 1/25 sec with -1.0 ev.  Due to the extreme exposure conditions, image was modified in Photoshop CS5 with Nik filters to capture the correct exposure of the face without losing the shadows of the overall image.


I have been taking photos seriously for more than 40 years.  I started with a Nikon F2 back in the days of film.  I have five earned degrees  including a PhD from Oxford.  At one time, I was a consultant to the telecommunications giants like AT&T, but these days I spend my time taking photographs and writing books.  I have written 9 books to date, almost all of them about understanding the ancient Hebrew culture and its influence on contemporary religion and translations of the Bible.  I travel worldwide teaching about the role of paradigms in our thinking processes.
I live in Montverde, FL.  I am married to Rosanne and have wonderful children, all of whom are grown now.  One of the best photographic experiences I have had was a chance to spend 6 days on the nuclear aircraft carrier John C. Stennis with my daughter who was a flight captain.  I took some great shots of the action on the deck.”
Thank you Skip and Congratulations again — in case you are wondering, he chose the Nikon camera. If you would like to see more of his work please feel free to check out his facebook page HERE or his website HERE.