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Make Your Own Photo Book: 5 Reasons Why You Should


Photo books are beautiful and distinctive ways to showcase your memories – that much is obvious.  But a photo book is really so much more than that. 

Photo books are captivating, personal, and beautiful time capsules into memories you never want to lose.  So when it comes to wondering whether you should make your own photo book, the answer is easy: absolutely.  With our asset-packed photo book design program, making your own photo book is not only easy, but fun.  Let your creativity run wild as you create a photo book that captures memories exactly as you experienced them.

Are you excited yet? You should be! Photo books give you the superhuman ability to time travel. We outlined five reasons why making your own photo book is so worthwhile. Be warned – it’s convincing!

Range of DIY photo books sprawled on table top.

When you make your own photo book, you give life to the stories that matter most.

In the modern world, flooded with glimpses into our peers’ seemingly perfect lives and incredible accomplishments, it’s not unusual to lose sight of all the wonderful things happening in our own lives.  When you make your own photo book, you take control of your life’s narrative.

Put the focus on all of the gifts that surround you – whether that be bringing a new family member into the world or catching a beautiful sunrise on the morning commute.  A personal photo book captures the moments that bring you the most joy; Nothing more, nothing less.

During hard times, your photo book will prove to be an incredible asset.  You and your loved ones will never lose site of life’s silver lining, displayed boldly in the pages of your specially curated memories.

When you make your own photo book, you are creating a family heirloom.

There’s no doubt that the creation of a custom photo book is a special way to give back to yourself; But a photo book is also the best gift you can bestow upon your family – including the members of it who haven’t been born yet.  What could be more incredible than that?

Fill your photo book with the wisdom, memories, and guidance you wish to pass to future generations.  Add open letters and descriptions of the adventures pictured within.  Share the way you felt in each moment. Give insight to the dreams you had. Alternate between the present and past tense.

This time capsule will be worth more to your future relatives than you can imagine.

Making a photo book makes you a better photographer.

If you feel stuck in your journey as a photographer – creatively, professionally, or otherwise – turning your work into a photo book is an infallible way to get unstuck

When you curate your images into a photo book, you’re forced to look at your work through a close and critical lens.  While translating photographs into social media content often results in a prioritization of quantity over quality, creating a photo book calls for the opposite.  Knowing that there is no way to delete or undo what you place in your book brings your truest feelings about each photo to the surface; You’ll find faults in photos you once loved. You’ll finally be able to identify what gave you that off feeling about certain photos. What you learn when you make your own photo book will allow you to move onward into new projects and goals.

Over the years, you’ll watch your photo books grow stronger and stronger.

Photo books also allow you to view your photos in their true final form.  When you print your photos, you see your photos in the tangible world.  You will be able to see, in a way like never before, how various elements affected your photograph: the lighting, the colors, the exposure.

Holding photos in your hands is an experience like no other.

It’s a pivotal moment when a photographer holds one of their own photographs for the first time.  Humans are physical creatures – we form bonds in the physical world; we fall in love in the physical world; we make memories in the physical world.  To be able to hold something that exists by your own doing reinvigorates your passion for the craft in a way the digital medium simply cannot.

Our photo book selection also allows you to create a final product that you adore from cover to cover; We mean that literally! Our range of colors and cover materials make it easy to customize every inch of your photo book. Our selection of colors is extensive and unique, featuring beautiful tones such as baby blue and blush red.

The book you can’t put down should be a book you love to hold. Select from four different textures to create a photo book that feels at home in your hands.

Mother and daughter laugh together as they relive memories in a photo book.

Making a photo book is a memory of its own.

The photo book creation process can be a cherished memory in and of itself.  You will forever remember the Sunday morning your family spent around the kitchen table, laughing at old photos.  You and your spouse will never forget long afternoons spent looking through wedding photos, discovering new details in each snapshot.

When you’re looking for a simple way to reignite relationships or bring the family together, make your own photo book.  It will bring instant joy to everyone involved.

Ready to make your own photo book?

See 7 custom photo book ideas we love!

Read our 5 tips for making the best photo book!

Learn the difference between a photo book and a photo album!