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Instagram PixStoryteller – Jennifer Longo


Every photographer has a story to tell of how they capture the magic they see before them. We are celebrating this with our Instagram PixStorytellers. Each week, a new photographer will join us on Instagram sharing their ideas, tips, and tricks for getting the best shot. This week we introduce you to Jennifer Longo from A Girl and Her Travel Bug aka @JensTrvlBug on Instagram.

How did you get your start in photography?

I started with photography shortly after graduating high school.  I would often use disposable cameras at concerts and I’d get so excited when I got a “good” shot.  Eventually, I bought a small point & shoot digital camera and found myself using it all the time.  I would gradually upgrade cameras and find myself getting more and more into photography – and over time people started to ask me to shoot their own special events.  It took off from there!

How did you find your groove?

I don’t know that I have ever completely found my “groove” in photography.  It’s something I still work on consistently because I’ve never felt completely satisfied with my work – as most artists.  I like to experiment with different styles, angles, and techniques in order to get better and expand my knowledge.

What’s in your camera bag?

I have a Nikon D700, an 85mm Sigma lens, 50mm Nikkor, 12-24mm Sigma, Tamron 75-300mm, and a Sigma 17-70mm.  I also have a Nikon SB-800 flash unit.

Advice for those just starting out?

If I have any advice for those starting out, it’s experiment experiment experiment!  Learning the basics of merely getting a photo properly exposed can be daunting when first picking up an SLR, but it’s a really rewarding process when you begin to see results.  Don’t stop at the basics; get creative and see just how much your camera and a good eye are capable of!
Thank you, Jennifer!   Make sure to follow us on Instagram for her takeover. Click HERE to follow along!