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Instagram Pix Storyteller- Stephen Shelesky


Every person has a story to tell of how they capture the magic they see before them with their photography. We are celebrating this with our Instagram PixStorytellers. Each week, a new photographer will join us on Instagram sharing their ideas, tips, and tricks for getting the best shot. This week we introduce you to Stephen Shelesky also know as @StephenShelesky on Instagram who specializes in landscape and adventure photography.

How did you start in photography?

While my interest started at a young age, it really accelerated in college when I started photographing skiing trips in Colorado. It all started as just me shooting my friends skiing, but it turned into something so much more! I discovered this passion for adventure and landscape photography because it gave me the ability to be outdoors. From then on my love for photography only continued to grow because of that connection to nature for me. Being outside gave me so much freedom and I really enjoyed being able to capture and share that.

What’s in your camera bag Stephen Shelesky?

A Nikon D750 with 70-200 f/2.8, 16-35 f/4, 24-120 f/4 – and a DJI Mavic Pro

What is your favorite part about shooting in new locations? 

I love the feeling of the unknown. It’s easy to get comfortable in familiar locations and I feel like at times it can certainly limit your creativity to think outside of the box. When shooting somewhere new I love getting the chance to explore and photograph whatever is compelling at the moment, rather than being fixated on a specific shot. One thing I have found is that shooting in unfamiliar locations can sometimes be tricky when adapting to the different weather. It can be frustrating when one of the largest components is entirely out of your control, but at the same time accepting this reality and learning how to adapt is a critical skill in landscape photography!

Is there anything you really want to learn in terms of your photography career?

I’d like to be able to tell a fully captivating story through photographs alone. Ideally capturing an experience in such a compelling way from start to finish. I want to improve my craft consistently to the point that one day, words are almost an unnecessary addition to any of my photographs. It definitely can be a difficult task to achieve in landscape photography because I feel like many elements such as weather, mood or sound can’t be easily shown visually. However, the more you practice what works and what doesn’t, the easier it becomes. 

Thank you, Stephen! Make sure to follow us on Instagram for his takeover. Click HERE to follow along! And give him a follow on his pages: