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Instagram Pix Storyteller- Kane C. Andrade


Every person has a story to tell of how they capture the magic they see before them with their photography. We are celebrating this with our Instagram PixStorytellers. Each week, a new photographer will join us on Instagram sharing their ideas, tips, and tricks for getting the best shot. This week we introduce you to Kane C. Andrade also known @kanecandrade as on Instagram who specializes in landscape photography.

How did you get your start in photography?

I picked up a camera for the first time 2 years ago. I needed something to get me out of the house as I struggled with my transition from being in the military to being civilian. I’m also an animator and I have a hard time sitting for hours at a time and it just wasn’t healthy for me to sit at home. One day I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across @taylorcutfilms. Taylor is a creative director and filmmaker with his company, Taylor Cut Films, his work truly inspired me to see things from a whole new perspective.

What’s in your camera bag, @kanecandrade?

5d Mark 4
70-200mm 1.4
16-35mm 4.0
E-M1 Mark II
7-14mm PRO lens

What is something that inspires you to try new things?

Road tripping with my friends Collin, David, Andrew and Paul. They help me clear my mind, and together we start throwing out ideas. They bring such good energy to the table and together we help each other with any crazy ideas we have and try to execute them. I think by leaving your comfort zone you’re forced to try new things. I try to leave home at least twice a month.  Trying new things can be scary, but I always give it my all and if it doesn’t work then at least I tried.

Are there any challenges you’ve faced as a photographer? 

Getting paid has been a struggle. There have been a lot of companies who just refuse to pay me, but prefer to give me their product as payment. Luckily I have a full-time job and I don’t rely solely on photography. I want to get to a point where people respect my work and are willing to pay me. But for now, I have to just continue to fight for it. At some point, however, I want to be able to take care of my photography career through a business standpoint. I want to be able to grow as my work grows and get the opportunity to work for companies that I truly respect.

What is your favorite part about shooting in new locations?

I love seeing new places, I always get a rush of ideas as I’m seeing new landscapes. Most of all I enjoy being there at that moment. Lately, I’ve been just trying to take it all in. Some locations can be incredibly challenging to get to, but getting there is the best part! There’s nothing like getting the chance to see things you’ve never seen. You just get this rush of adrenaline and it feels like you’re just meant to be there. Meant to take in the scenery, the fresh air and most of all the beautiful world that surrounds you.

Thank you, Kane! Make sure to follow us on Instagram for the takeover. Click HERE to follow along! And give Kane a follow on Instagram:
Instagram: @kanecandrade