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Instagram Pix Storyteller – alberthbyang


Every person has a story to tell of how they capture the magic they see before them with their photography. We are celebrating this with our Instagram PixStorytellers. Each week, a new photographer will join us on Instagram sharing their ideas, tips, and tricks for getting the best shot. This week we introduce you to Albert Yang also know as @alberthbyang on Instagram who specializes in landscape and nature photography.


How did you start in photography?

I bought my first DSLR back in 2012 and started taking photos for fun. But I wasn’t serious about photography until a trip to Hawaii in Jan 2017. I kinda jokingly set the challenge for myself to take one good photo every day for 365 days in 2017 and that’s how it started. I truly enjoy being able to see such aesthetic beautiful spots and I take advantage of just about every sunset or sunrise I can get to.

How did you find your photography groove?

I like trying different styles and see which one I like the most. Getting inspired from other photographer’s work also helps me to find my own style. I try to make it out to as many places as possible to make sure my work has a variety of styles. One time I drove about 1,500 miles exploring some of the most unique places in Oregon. Crater lake was on my list for a very long time and when I finally got to see it on a beautiful crisp day, my mind was in complete admiration. It’s little things like that that making photography so special to me.

What’s in your camera bag – alberthbyang?

Sony A7Rii, Sony 16-35 F2.8 GM, Sony 24-70F2.8 GM, Sony 70-200F4

Advice for others starting out?

Just get out and shoot more. Learn from others and stay humble. I also love to just tell people to actually get outside and take a moment to look around. It’s actually quite amazing what we find when we actually disconnect and get the chance to take in our surroundings. Sometimes the most beautiful things are right in front of us and we never even noticed them.
Thank you, Albert!  Make sure to follow us on Instagram for his takeover. Click HERE to follow along! And give him a follow on his pages:
Instagram: @alberthbyang