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frozen bubble photography challenge
Have you noticed a lot of bubble shots popping up on your social feeds? Well, there’s a movement going on the interwebs challenging photographers to head outside and make some frozen art! It all started with a photographer in Calgary, Canada. So what is it and how do you do it? We check in with member Justine Yurchak who shares with us her frozen bubble challenge picture.
frozen bubble

Tell Us a Little About Yourself

I’m 31, I live in Pennsylvania with my husband and two kids, 5 and 2.   My “real job” is as a stenographer, but I’m a hobbyist photographer, taking pictures of my children, family, and places we travel to.  My husband got me a Sony A-55 in 2011.  I wanted to capture better photos of not only our trips and activities but also our everyday moments as well.  After a year of shooting in Auto modes, I taught myself and learned how to really use my camera by reading books, blogs, and by following some groups on Facebook.
frozen bubble challenge

How Did You do the Frozen Bubble Challenge?

Living in the Northeast we had a week of really cold weather, so my kids had some time off school.  We did a “science experiment” one afternoon using a straw to blow the bubbles and used this solution:  1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of corn syrup, and 2 tablespoons of dish soap.  We used warm water to dissolve the sugar and let the mixture sit outside for a few minutes to cool off.  My five-year-old blew the bubbles for me and I got some cool shots as they froze.   We even tried some food dye to see if we could get some coloring in the bubbles but didn’t have much luck with that.
frozen bubble


Thank you, Justine for sharing your frozen bubble challenge with us! The images are incredible! Are you ready to try it? Before you do, check out THIS BLOG POST about the five tips to keep in mind when photographing during winter.