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Free Printables: Aurora Borealis Art


For this week’s collection of free printables, we’re heading North! We found this amazing collection of Aurora Borealis illustrations on Public Domain Review.

If you aren’t familiar with Public Domain Review, it’s an incredible not-for-profit organization that aims to publicize the amazing artwork found in the rich, deep archives of the public domain. The public domain is a collection of non-copyrighted works that are free for use and reuse. In other words, free to turn into incredible décor!

Ready to dive into these amazing Aurora Borealis themed pieces? Let’s take a look at our favorites.

As you’ve seen in our past free printable collections, you can find the download link for each of these images by clicking on the image. Once redirected to the image’s large display page, right click and download (on a Windows computer) or Control-click and download (on an Apple computer).

Once downloaded, head back to and select the product you want to create to begin your order!

Étienne Léopold Trouvelot’s Aurora Borealis

The glittery rays of light shining from the sky in this incredible depiction of Aurora Borealis would make for a welcome splash of color in any room. We would love to see this illustration displayed boldly on a large poster print. Its natural matting makes it an elegant can’t-miss piece.

Northern Lights in Zenith, by Harald Moltke

The beauty of natural matting is present yet again in this stunning blue-toned free printable. We adore the subtle yet entrancing textures and colors in this magical illustration. We would love to see it hanging in a warm yet colorful bedroom, like above!

Frontispiece to Fridtjof Nansen’s In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times

We were totally enamored by this dark yet vibrant illustration. The composition of the image drew us in, while adding color and depth to the space around it. When we see a blend of mystery, darkness, curiosity, and excitement – all in one image – we know it’s print worthy.

Illustration of the Northern Lights from William MacKenzie’s The National Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge

What’s not to love about this green-hued masterpiece? While beautiful at first glance, the illustration only gets better when you look even closer… and notice two adorable seals in the left foreground!

Anna Boberg’s Northern Lights, Study from northern Norway

We haven’t seen the northern lights in person – yet! – but we like to imagine they’re as magical as this picture feels. With its vibrant, luminescent color scheme, it’s the perfect illustration for livening up a personal space.

Chromolithograph with four images of the Northern Lights, from Meyers Konversations-Lexikon

You can’t go wrong with four photos in one! The pastel tones in this free printable are an enchanting change of pace from the many vibrant Aurora Borealis illustrations in this collection.

Carl Svantje Hallbeck’s Njommelsaska i Lappland

This illustration totally sparked our hunger for adventure – while making us equally grateful to be safe and warm at home. If you’re a fan of moody, dramatic décor, this is the one for you!

Northern Lights over Iceland, by Harald Moltke

Harald Moltke proved his knack for sensational northern lights illustrations yet again in this deep blue piece of art. This printable would blend aesthetically with bohemian or Scandinavian décor.