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Free Art Prints: Calligraphy Edition


In the 1560’s, master scribe Georg Bocskay demonstrated his calligraphic talents in a book he titled The Model Book of Calligraphy. Decades later, artist Joris Hoefnagel was commissioned to decorate these pages with his signature insect, fruit, and flower illustrations. What resulted was an incredible book, filled cover to cover with enchanting calligraphic and naturalistic art.

Lucky for us, these mesmerizing pieces have made their way to the public domain throughout the last three centuries. This means they’re free to download and use however you so wish!

We selected our favorites of these free art prints and highlighted them below. Here’s how to download a free-to-use copy of the printables you love the most!

  • Click the image of the printable you want to download. You’ll be taken to the image’s download page.
  • Right click the large version of the image that appears on your screen.
  • Click download!

You can then use the image however you please. We recommend printing these images on poster prints or fine art prints. Happy printing!

This Illustrated Caterpillar Free Art Print

We love the elements of yellow and gold threaded through this piece, from the pear, to the caterpillar spots, to the gold color of the dropped capital. The three insects in this illustration give the print a fantastical allure; One that would certainly add a sense of whimsy to any room.

This Magnificent Dragonfly Free Art Print

We were completely enamored when we stumbled upon this print. The color palette and structure of this illustration make it a can’t-miss piece of décor. It seamlessly incorporates blues, greens, yellows and pinks into its striking imagery, and entices the eye with a structured yet naturalistic composition. This free art print is sure to be a conversation starter wherever it’s displayed!

This Flower, Peach, and Pear Free Art Print

The extravagant range of colors used in The Model Book of Calligraphy continues in this stunning illustration. We adore the intricate foliage sprouting from the flower in this print, as well as the use of vibrant color in the calligraphy’s dropped capital. The healthy fruit in this beautiful image make it a perfect décor piece for a kitchen space; but what can we say, we would adore this print in any room.

This Purple Flower Free Art Print

If you love the visual effect of complementary colors, this is the art print for you. The prominent use of near complementary colors in this illustration gives its centerpiece flower a bold and captivating presence; The swirling calligraphy in this free art print effortlessly caught our eye as well!

This Dancing Flowers Free Art Print

There’s a lot going on in this free printable… and that’s why we love it! From the intricate detail along its dropped capital, to its bumble bee and willowy flowers, this print is fit to win the hearts of all who love a bit of chaos on their walls. Its aesthetic and charming color scheme keeps this busy design cohesive and elevated, fit to decorate the most artistic of office spaces.

These Purple and Yellow Illustrated Floral Prints

Not only do we love each of these calligraphic art prints as standalone prints, but we love the way they display along side each other. Many of the prints found in The Model Book of Calligraphy are fit to balance one another, such as the two prints featured above! With gold elements in each and a balance between calligraphy and illustration across the two, they create an aesthetically pleasing display when paired together.

Explore the 16 pages of illustrations and create enchanting galleries of your own!

Click here to download the yellow flower art print. Click here to download the purple flower art print.