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FREE Photography Resources


The resources on the internet are never-ending: you know it, I know it, we all know it!  But that doesn’t make sifting through dozens of bad resources in the hunt for a hidden gem any less tedious.  To save you the time and energy, we did the digging for you. Afterall, time is money – especially in the photography world!

On the list below, you’ll find some of our favorite free photography resources; from courses to podcasts, the information below will help you run with your photography – in any direction you please!

If you missed our previous Free Friday highlights, you can explore them here and here!

Photography Mapped

This simple tool presents an easy and interactive way for beginners to experiment with different camera settings.  If you’re a visual and hands on learner, it’s a great resource for building an understanding of how various camera settings influence each other.

Be warned: it’s surprisingly addicting!

Try it for yourself on the Photography Mapped website.

SEO Optimization for Photographers

Imagine if instead of searching for new clients, you had an endless stream of new clients coming to you. Optimizing your photography website for search engines can make that possible!

While search engine optimization is intimidating enough for large businesses, tackling it as an individual can feel next to impossible. Before you throw in the towel on optimizing your website, take a look at the comprehensive SEO guide put together by ForeGroundWeb. It’s one of the first we’ve found that breaks down SEO specifically as it relates to photographers. The resource also breaks its information down into actionable steps – which earns it a spot on our list!

The Slanted Lens

The Slanted Lens brings you photography and lighting tutorials, catered to both photographers and videographers! The account is especially praised for the in-depth visual examples Jay Morgan brings to every lesson.

In addition to photography and lighting guides, you’ll also find videos on: camera and lens reviews, equipment reviews, how-to tutorials, photography and camera news, photo critiques, cinematic lighting, how to shoot with film, how to use strobes, video production, special effects and more.

Start your free exploration of this extensive channel at the link below!

The Beginner Photography Podcast

We’ve found that succeeding in the photography space comes much easier when you fully immerse yourself in community conversations.  Whether it leads to being on top of industry changes, bringing relevant context to networking conversations, or being able to proactively identify an unaddressed need in the space, keeping your eyes and ears open to the world of photography everyday will change the way you approach your business.

Nothing makes industry immersion more simple, fun, and informational that podcasts, and we found just the one! In The Beginner Photography Podcast, hosted by Raymond Hatfield, you can listen in on conversations between Raymond and an incredible range of other professional photographers.

If you don’t know where to start from his 350+ available episodes, we recommend episode 362: “Casey Fatchett – Unhappily Ever After – Tips on How To Be A BAD Wedding Photographer.

Shoot Film Like a Boss

If you’ve ever attempted to learn more about film online and been left feeling like everyone was speaking a different language, this channel is for you.

Roger, the creator of the channel, takes a humble and beginner-friendly approach to his content. He welcomes his viewers into the world of experimenting with film photography, walks you through pricing, answers questions about film expiration, gives tips on traveling with film, and so much more. In short: Shoot Film Like a Boss is a one stop channel for all of those miscellaneous beginner film questions that seem impossible to find straightforward answers to online!

Start your film journey for free at the link below:

Try Skillshare for one month free.

We’ve talked about Skillshare before, but it’s too valuable and limitless to only talk about once! Skillshare is an online community that facilitates learning through educational videos. It’s home to an incredible collection of photography tutorials created by members of the photography community. Right now, Skillshare is offering a 30-day free trial.

Given its community-sourced educational style, the information found on Skillshare is comprehensive and high quality.  Not only can you find the exact topics you need, but you can find creators and educators that teach them in a style that works for you! We recommend signing up for a free trial during a time period where you have designated time to make the most of the courses before your free trial ends.