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Family Matters – Getting the Most from your Portrait Session


You and your photographer have put so much work into your family portrait, now it’s time to make the most of it.  Instead of doing the same thing year after year, why not consider some other options for your family photograph? It’s time to up the ante for 2015 from cards to calendars Printique has you covered.
Greeting Cards
When friends and family text “Noel” or “Happy Holidays” it’s not the same feeling you get when you open the post and see their smiling faces. People change throughout the year, especially children. It’s important to send real holiday greeting cards to loved ones.
For this example, we chose the Vintage Christmas Noel card design.
Typically, you’ll have more than 12 photos from any one family portrait session. Making a calendar for 2016 from your family images is a great way to get more mileage out f your portrait session. Few tips, make sure you discuss with your photographer before the session that you would like an image of each child alone and a parent with the child. For example, for Mother’s Day in May, why not host an image on the family calendar of mom and her minions. Same is true for Father’s Day in June.
For this example, we chose the 10×10 centerfold calendar with 2016 months from the sticker library.
Collages – Metal, Canvas, Acrylic or Print
Can’t just pick one favorite image? That’s ok, you can easily showcase them all with Printique collages. You can choose from paper, metal, canvas or acrylic. Go small or big with sizes ranging from desk top 8×10 to wall stunning 24×36.adoramapixcollages
Finally, keep it simple. You can do a big print and have it as a center piece for any room. With over 400 styles of frames, Printique is sure to have the fame that fits your style.
These are just  a few ways you can make the most from your family portrait session. What other idea do you have?