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Ordering Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards: A Step-by-Step Guide


Customizable Rosh Hashanah greeting cards are a great way to share pictures and stories with your loved ones while wishing them a Happy Jewish New Year at the same time!

Step 1: Choose the Perfect Pose for Your Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards

The first thing you’ll have to do to send out the perfect Rosh Hashanah card to your friends and family is decide on a pose. Will you be featuring the whole family on the card, or a picture of just the kids? Do you need to take a new picture, or do you have the perfect picture in mind from earlier this year? Some of our favorite go to poses are hugs, running toward the camera, piggy back rides, and candid silly moments! You can browse for more inspiration on our Holiday Poses Pinterest board!

Step 2: Capture the Perfect Picture

Once you’ve decided on the perfect pose, it’s time to capture it! We love the tips we got from professional photographers on capturing the perfect family photo that you can find here! Find great end-of-day lighting and a pretty background and you’ll have a gorgeous, print-worthy photo for your Rosh Hashanah greeting card in no time.

Decorative card stands prop up Jewish New Year greeting cards

Step 3: Choose Your Favorite Rosh Hashanah Greeting Card Template

Check out the gallery below for a preview of our new Rosh Hashanah greeting card templates, and click here to start customizing!

Step 4: Add Other Pictures to Your Card

If you have more than one awesome photo you want to feature on your Rosh Hashanah greeting card, then you’re going to love Printique’s card editor. You can easily drag, drop, resize, and layer your photos, and the editor will warn you if any of your images land too close to the border, in the card’s trim zone.

Step 5: Share a Story on Your Card

It’s been a long year, so take this opportunity to share your family’s exciting milestones and funny stories with loved ones! In addition to big events like engagements or pregnancies, it’s also great to include some anecdotes about trips from the past year, updates on how the kids are enjoying school and new activities, stories about pets, or any personal endeavors – from home renovations to taking up pottery.

Your friends and family will love getting a glimpse into what you’ve been up to, and it’s a great way to get back in touch with those you may have drifted from during the pandemic.

A grandfather is happy to receive a Rosh Hashanah greeting card from his grand daughter.

Step 6: Make a Mailing List

Once you’ve ordered your perfectly crafted Shana Tova card, there’s only one thing left to do: make a mailing list! Most of your contacts can probably be pulled from mailing lists of years prior, but with lots of big moves happening during the pandemic, some addresses may have changed.

This is a great chance to go through your phone contacts and Facebook friends to add some new names to your list! Send them a message letting them know you’d like to send them something in the mail – you’ll have their confirmed address in no time and have made them very happy to know they crossed your mind!

Then sit back, relax, and excitedly wait for your custom Rosh Hashanah greeting cards to arrive!