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A Photo a Day: February Edition


Our newest photo-a-day challenge is here!

This month, get ready to capture all the wonderfulness of winter! You’ll be showing off your favorite views, updating your profile pictures (you heard us!), and making the absolute most out of the year’s shortest month.

By February 28th, you’ll have a stunning collection of images – and quite possibly your favorite photograph yet!

Ready to see what February has in store? Click the image below to download your own copy!

February 1st: Nighttime

Find magic in the time between dawn and dusk for today’s photograph.

February 2nd: Neighborhood

Take a walk and capture the essence of your neighborhood today.

February 3rd: Peaceful

From frozen moments to quiet winter nights, capture peaceful moments on the first Friday of February.

February 4th: Starts with R

Roads, rain, raspberries and radios – photograph something that starts with the letter R!

February 5th: Nature

Nature is endlessly impressive; today, set out to capture at least one frame of nature’s beauty.

February 6th: Shapes

Make shapes part of today’s creation.

February 7th: Homemade

Photograph something homemade, whether it’s a baked good, a craft, a piece of clothing, or a decor piece.

February 8th: Youthful

Capture the presence of youthfulness in today’s photograph; keep in mind that youthfulness is a feeling and a mindset, not just an age!

February 9th: Spotlight

Use a spotlight to add flare to today’s photograph. Check out this blog post for DIY spotlight inspiration!

February 10th: Movement

Freeze movement in a frame for today’s challenge.

February 11th: Someone Special

Take a photograph of someone special – you won’t regret it.

February 12th: Glow

Photograph the glow of a moment – whether it’s lights on inside a home, a fire in the hearth, or someone’s eyes during an enchanting conversation.

February 13th: The Color Red

Photograph something red today!

February 14th: Celebration of Love

Celebrate love with photography today.

February 15th: Your View

Take a photo of the best view you have today.

February 16th: Unexpected

Keep your eyes peeled for anything unexpected – and be ready to capture it!

February 17th: Moments of Quiet

There’s so much beauty in moments of quiet – whether it be nap time, the still of night, the sunrise before the world wakes up, or a moment of solitude during a walk. Capture it today!

February 18th: Tribute

Use photography to pay tribute to a person, place, or thing today.

February 19th: Art

Make art part of your photography today.

February 20th: Something Rare

See something rare, photograph something rare!

February 21st: Out of Focus

Leave part of the story to the imagination by keeping part of your photograph out of focus.

February 22nd: Snowy

Capture the magic of snowfall for today’s photograph.

P.S. No snow is no excuse – it’s time to get creative!

February 23rd: Inverted

Whether you invert your image’s colors or your image’s orientation, use the method of inversion to elevate today’s creation.

February 24th: Self-Portrait

You’re the star of today’s photograph! Take a self-portrait until you get one you love, then share it with the world as your new headshot or profile picture (we’ll show you some love if you tag us!).

February 25th: Transformation

Turn two photos into one powerful one; dig through the archives for a picture you took of a specific person or place. Then, photograph that person or place again. Place the photos side by side (or meld them together) to creatively display the power of time!

February 26th: Road Trip

It’s the perfect excuse to hit the road! Head out onto a mini road trip (or a long one, we won’t stop you!) for today’s photograph.

February 27th: I Spy

Take a photo with a hidden precious element today; the type of photograph that you might caption “Like when you see it.”

February 28th: The Way Home

And just like that, another February has come and gone! Celebrate a month well done (and find beauty in your daily commute) by taking a photograph on your final trek home in February.