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5 Tips to Photographing Your Child’s School Year


Sharpened pencils, new tennis shoes, and a quiet house can only mean one thing, it’s back to school season y’all! Not only is it back to school, but it’s back to books too. We are of course talking about photo books! Don’t despair though, we are giving you a cheat sheet on the most important moments to snap. Here are five tips to photographing and documenting your child’s school year.

1. First Day and Last Day

Capturing the first and last day of each school year tops our list. You may not notice subtle changes in your children during the school year, but take the picture in the exact same spot and you’ll see a year’s worth of growth in you little one. From growing inches to losing teeth, this is a definite must have snap each year for each child.

2. Friends

Friends of your children throughout the years are so important. As they grow older, the friends they hang out with typically change. It’s great to document each year and the group of friends your mini-me hangs out with on a daily basis. Those friendships are strong and important to your child. This is why it’s important to document it as well.

3. Programs/Field Trips

The special field trips and school programs are group activities your children take part in throughout the school year. It’s fun to see them learn outside of the classroom and have their horizons broadened. If you can’t go to the field trip, ask one of the chaperones if they would mind taking a picture of your child. Programs often occur on the stage. So come prepared with a zoom lens.

4. Teacher

Ok, so your child spends most of his or her school day with one main teacher. Most times, they will never have this teacher again so for this reason alone it’s important to get a snap. It doesn’t have to be formal or posed, it can be greeting the teacher at the door, story time, or anything really with interaction with your child.

5. Art/Sports Activities

Your child will come home with a mountain of artwork. Instead of keeping it all, simply take a picture of your favorites and make sure to add them to their photo book.  Also, with sports activities, make sure to get a picture of any programs and awards won.
If you have a hard time of keeping track of these items during the school year, here’s a tip. Use a specific hashtag on Instagram like #TheSmithKidsSchoolDay. Then you can directly link your Instagram account to the PixPublisher Book Builder and make a book with the auto builder in a snap. Ready to start your photo book? We thought so! Click HERE to start your print journey .
photo book with school children manufactored by printique