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5 Must-Have Family Photos for Thanksgiving


The story of your family is a unique one as no two families are the same. It’s the love, the laughter and the support around the table that makes Thanksgiving great with the family.  So with Thanksgiving around the corner, we wanted to give you 5 must-have family photos that will help you tell the story of This Is Us.

1. Details and Prep

Think about making a photo book of your holiday. You’ll need lots of detail shots to fill the pages. Start your Thanksgiving photography casual by focusing on the details and prep with your family. There’s a lot of love and work that goes into the gathering. So grab the shot of mom or dad taking the turkey out of the oven or the picture of the kids setting the table. It’s these in-between moments that show how the family works together to prepare and celebrate this special meal.

aerial view of thanksgiving table

2. Action Shots

This is always the fun part. After the details, you can start to warm up your family by getting candid action shots.  No posed shots at this point. It can just be a close up of someone laughing or telling a secret. At this point, it’s important to focus on the fleeting snippets that occur during the big meal.

family at thanksgiving table

3. The Big Picture

Now that everyone is warmed up and excited about the meal, this is the perfect time to photograph the big dinner. First, get pictures of all the food in its place on the table. Then when everyone is seated take the formal shot of everyone looking at the camera. The important thing is to make sure you can see everyone. Use a wider angle lens to include the whole table and family and friends at their place settings. After this photograph put the camera down for a bit and enjoy the food and conversation.

4. Generations

This is typically a time when generations get together. Think about this as a family historian. Photograph the grandparents with the grandkids. Think of other family combinations as well, like siblings together, etc. Do a lot of different variations. This doesn’t have to be formal, it can be casual and fun.  Getting those candid moments are just as important as the formal ones. Print the generation photos and give them to the family. You could even take a snap, put it on a canvas and then gift it to the grandparents for the holidays. Or even if you frame a photo for their desktop, it’s still a beautiful gift idea.

gir on dad's lap at thanksgiving

5. Get Outside

This time of year there is so much going on outside your home’s door. Take a few minutes to go outside and capture what’s going on with your surroundings. Let the kids and pets outside to work off some of the post-turkey dinner.  Or just get outside with the littles to enjoy some fresh air. Just make sure to hold them close and let them know you are thankful.
kids on swing
The last and most important tip we can give is to print these moments. Your future self will thank you for printing out the story of This Is Us.  Start HERE to begin your print journey.