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15 Must-Have Summer Poses for Family and Kids



Chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool. – Fresh Prince of Bel Air

The Prince of Bel Air has it right, summer time is meant for chill times with friends and family. It’s also the perfect opportunity to create some fun photo moments with relaxed posing. In part two of our three part posing series, here’s our list of the 15 must-have summer snaps for family and kids.

1. Family Silhouette

Grab some letters from the craft store or make your own! This photo op is perfect at sunset so you create a silhouette and the letters will pop against the sky. Spell family or your last name, it’s up to you. Just make sure you have some help in setting up and taking the shot, to make sure the letters are legible.

2. Sea Legs

If you have a waterproof camera, this is a fun set up just for you. Have everyone dangle their legs in the water and take the snap. The reflection and perspective are perfect for this pool shot.

3.  Squishy Face

Those cheeks! Parents can both squeeze in a kiss on their child’s chubby cheeks. It’s ok to squish in there and give them love. Remember, the summer poses shouldn’t be posed perfectly, but rather less stiff.

4. Splash

Watching little ones around water always sparks joy. Get down on their level and catch the smiles and laughter.

5. Wheels Up

How do your kids get around during summer? Whether it’s bikes, skateboards, scooters or rollerskates it’s a memory worth photographing and printing. Especially if the little ones are just learning how to ride their bikes.


6. Bird’s Eye View

Along the same lines of shooting low, try getting a bird’s eye view of the activities surrounding your family. When photographing from a higher level, just make sure your background is clean so your subject pops from the image.

7. Bubble Time

Need we say more? Hand those kids some bubbles, put them in the front and catch the magic that unfolds whenever bubbles are part of the picture.

8. Swing Time

If you’ve ever sat in a hammock, you know it takes some grace before getting it just right. Add a few you family in there and it’s bound to give you lots of smiles. Snuggle in tight and get some help to photograph.

9. Travel Time

Let’s be honest, it typically takes a good few days to plan and pack for any summer trip. Why not take a fun picture of everything it takes to have a vacation with the little ones in the frame?

10. Play Time

Remember being a kid and being in your own little imaginative world? Well, you can give your children a place to play while creating the perfect backdrop. Set up a tipi and then step back and snap them playing. It’s the perfect frame and pose that captures a moment in a child’s life.

11. Leading Lines

In photography, leading lines always draw interest to your subjects. Piers on lakes are the perfect place to pose your friends and family for leading lines. Have them kick off their shoes and let them just talk. You can find different angles which will give you the best spot.



12. Summer Vibes

You don’t always have to see faces to get the full effect of your family’s summer. Set up a fun pose like the one below showcasing those summer vibes.


13. Summer Treats

Ice cream,  fresh strawberries, sweet watermelon, do we need to say more? Make summer’s treats a part of your family fun summer poses!

14. Perfect Prop

Kites are colorful and beautiful. Experiment a bit on how to get the best picture. Sometimes the wind will take care of it on its own, other times you may have to have your child run to get it going. It’s an active shot that’s sure to bring lots of smiles for years to come.

15. End of Summer

Unfortunately, the sun must set on summer every year. One of our favorite poses is of families and friends holding hands with their back to them and the sun setting. You can set up a self-timer to capture the shot.

Wondering what else to photograph this summer? Check out these articles.

Three Ideas for a Photo-worthy Staycation

Beach Portraits – 5 Tips

5 Ways to Welcome Summer in Photos