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12 Free Inspirational Printable Quotes for the New Year


The new year is approaching. It’s a time to reflect and get motivated for 2020. We have found some wonderful and free inspirational printable quotes to inspire you every month of the new year. The only thing you have to do is download the free image, print it and decorate!  You have a lot of options, standard prints, acrylic, metal and even wood!

Let’s get started.

(Click on the names to find the free art prints)

1.Watercolor series by

graphic says you've got this

2. Bright and Colorful by Angie Sandy

graphic inspirational quote

3. Geometric Fun Clementine Creative 

inspirational quote graphic4. Never Give Up by

inspirational graphic
5. Nelson Mandela quote by Everything Etsy

inspirational quote graphic
6.  Indigo and Gold by Burlap and Blue

inspirational quote graphic
7.  Everything is Awesome by Lovely Indeed
inspirational graphic
8. Choose to be Happy by

choose to be happy
9. Maya Angelou quote by Dwell Beautiful

inspirational quote
10.  Gold Encouragement by Mantra Band

inspirational quote graphic
11.You  are  Enough   by

inspirational graphic
12.Daydream quote by Yellow Bliss Road

inspirational graphic

Please note that all of these graphics are intended for personal use only. Also, some of these items are in pdf form. In order to print from Printique, images must be in jpeg or tiff. The PDF’s can easily be saved as jpeg or tiff in many photo editing software programs.
Looking for more ideas and inspiration? Check out the following. 
How to Make a Photo Book
What is a Metal Print? 
Pro Photography Business Courses