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10 Resolutions for the 2023 Photographer


A new year is a blank canvas, begging to be filled with adventures, accomplishments, and of course… incredible photographs. But with no hints or promises as to what the new year will hold, heading into yet another January can be intimidating.

Having goals and resolutions will not only help you look towards the future with hope and excitement, but help you actually live the year of your dreams as well! What will you do differently in your photography? What will you start or stop doing to be more successful? How will you make photography a bigger part of your life?

Jump start the best year ever with our favorite resolution ideas for photographers in 2023.

1. Make a Promise To Print.

Don’t let your memories and photos rot in a digital graveyard; let them breathe, bring life to them, and share them by printing them out.

2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others.

Instead, be inspired. Look for those outside your market, and find your online inspiration. Opening your eyes to what others around the world are doing will give you a broader view, but stay dedicated to what makes your photography special.

3. Invest in your Photography.

Taking your photography from an interest to a hobby, a hobby to a profession, or a profession to a full-time career can be intimidating. It requires you to say “I believe in myself,” whether literally or metaphorically, and that can be scary; but in 2023, scary won’t stop us from reaching our goals!

Take the jump and invest in your photography in a meaningful way. Start small by joining thousands of photographers with a Printique pro membership. You’ll receive 10% off every order, free white label processing, free priority processing, and access to our digital gallery storefronts!

4. Learn A New Skill.

Love shooting during golden hour? Try your hand at night shooting! Prefer to shoot on film and share only unedited images? Experiment with an editing platform! Love doing free shoots for friends? Make this year the year you learn rates and start charging! Explore as many avenues as you can; take what inspires you and leave the rest.

5. Embrace YouTube For Learning (and embrace online resources in general).

YouTube is an incredible wealth of information – and an amazing place to find an online community of likeminded photographers! Find the channels you love and make even your downtime productive.

6. Connect With Other Photographers.

Speaking of community, make a resolution to connect with fellow photographers! Online spaces like Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram are great places to exchange ideas, lessons, and even job opportunities with other professionals. Plus, you never know how you’ll meet your new best friends!

7. Experiment with other art forms.

Just because photography is your calling doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from other art forms! Try writing poetry, painting, pottery, or collage work. Dabbling in other mediums is a beautiful way to refresh your creative spark – and you never know when inspiration will strike!

8. Take Care Of Your Equipment.

Do annual maintenance and do sensor cleaning regularly. Invest in bags and cases that allow for the safe transportation and storage of your gear as you head out on new adventures this year.

Psst… This resolution also includes backing up your work and getting your most expensive equipment insured!

9. Share Your Work

If sharing your work is a fear of yours, make 2023 the year you concur it! Take small steps toward building your confidence.

Make an Instagram page of exclusively your favorite photographs. Print and display your photographs in your home for guests to see. Send your closest friends your favorite photo from every shoot you do – and tell them just how proud of it you are!

Before you know it, you’ll be in love with sharing your craft.

10. Make Money!

Whether you’re pursuing photography as a professional endeavor or prefer to have it as a hobby, it never hurts to make a little extra money! With a Printique-integrated Squarespace storefront, you can sell prints of your work in the simplest way possible. Click here to learn more!

We can’t wait to see what you accomplish in 2023; it’s sure to be a year filled with memories, new love, old love, hardships and success – and there’s nobody we’d rather have by our side for it than all of you!