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10 Modern Must Have Engagement Poses



Your BAE popped “THE” question and you said YES! Now is the time to celebrate and document the engagement. For inspiration and ideas, here are ten modern must-have engagement poses.
1.Stay Home
Keep it simple and showcase how to keep it real at home. More and more couples are opting to show real life with each other as opposed to the traditional stiff portraits.
Stay Home

Photo by

2. Favorites
Couples are opting to showcase what brought them together. Fan of literature? Libraries and book shops are the perfect backdrops.
3. Depth of Focus
Not everything has to be tack sharp. Focus on something other than the faces while still setting the mood.
Depth of Focus
4.Follow Me
This trend went viral in 2013 when a boyfriend documented his travels and adventures with his then girlfriend (now wife) on Instagram. It’s a fun and trendy way to show the adventurous side to the relationship.
Follow Me
5. Be Candid
Sometimes the in-between moments are the most important. That’s when couples can truly be themselves and let loose.
Be Candid
6. First Date
Return to the scene of the first date. It’s a fun way to document how and where the couple met.
First Date
7.  Be Airborne
Defy gravity. Another trend in engagement photography is levitation photography. It makes it look like the couple is levitating, the trick to this? Make sure to have a fast shutter speed.
Be Airborne
8. Three’s Company
It’s purrrrr-fectly acceptable to bring the fur baby into the picture.
Three's Company

9. HomeTown Love
Hometown sweethearts? Incorporate the town’s most iconic piece of architecture into the photo.
HomeTown Love
10.  Big Scene
Stay small in a big scene. Be part of the landscape by complimenting the canvas. Make it a masterpiece.
Big Scene

Looking for inspiration for wedding day photos? Check out these 15 modern, must-have wedding poses by clicking HERE.